
? ...::Answer::...

Last nite I understood I am in a very deep blues, and the sad thing of it is that it has been there for weeks. I've been acting like a zombie and 'til I looked back, there have been all the doubtfully correct actions. Right now I don't know what to think, but I'm certain a friend of mine described a syndrom I have been feeling since the last third part of the year.

Broken-heart: its like a bruise, you don't notice its there until you touch it and it hurts.

Where to find love?
At the slaughterhouse,
called turntable.


Anonymous said...

wow, me siento muy halagada de que alguien me cite en su blog, nunca me habia ocurrido, solo que lo de broken heart va sin guión, la cague, es q cuando escribí todo eso estaba tan enojada que no lo quise releer y corregirlo, ya sabes, esa clase de cosas que uno escribe por impulso, como un tranquilisante que te mantiene estable por un rato en lo que pasa el shock.

Jorge Hernández Jiménez said...

Aye, indeed. Loosie has her ways. . .